Domingo vintage

 6 del velludo Jon West, de AMG.


  1. Is it common for cowboys to wear this type of underwear?

    1. Those are called posing straps, or posing pouches. Before the late 60s, men could not legally be photographed with their cocks and sacks visible. So these silly straps were used to cover them up. There were pictures of naked men, but they were illegal and sold "under the table," as we say.

    2. Exactly, Big Dude!
      Personally, I thought that these loincloths - in most cases - were very sexy, even more so than if the model posed naked.

  2. Anonimo, Franco, and Big Dude I remember the first magazine or one of them to show nude men in the US was Playgirl in my early college years (1970-1974) and they were sold in drug stores and were sealed in plastic wraps. Tony italian.

    1. Así es, Tony. Algo parecido sucedió en Argentina (y me atrevo a decir que sólo en Buenos Aires), pero recién a partir de 1982/83. Se vendían revistas de desnudos pero en bolsas opacas para no mostrar sus portadas. Acá todo casi siempre sucedió retrasadamente...

    2. Si bolsas opacas o con papel blanco para ocultar el contenido. En Italia, claro no tengo la menor idea. Tony Italian.

  3. No lo conocía... Es un hermoso modelo/actor/hombre del recuerdo.😊


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